So, Zim had an exciting day yesterday.
First, he went to daycare because Fathead and I had finals (bleh!). We left him there until about 4:30 because we figured there was really no point in cutting short his fun. He hadn't been to daycare since the Thursday before (almost a week!) so we thought it would be good for him to have a nice, long day at daycare.
Then, about an hour or two after we got home, a friend called wanting me, him and Zim to go to the dogpark, because he'd finished a take-home final and wanted some social interaction outside and he figured that was the best way to get me to go out. Zim was napping, so I hemmed and hawed, but I did agree. So we harnessed Zim, took his car tether out of our car and put it into my friend's and we were off to the dog park. Even though he'd been at daycare all day, Zim got all excited when we got to the dog park and did have a good time. There was even a kid there, probably around 6 years old, that Zim loved. They played chase for quite a while (trading off who was the chaser and the chasee) and Zim just thought it was the best thing ever (my little boy loves kids).
After that, we left and picked up Fathead, who'd been napping, and went to grab some food. Since we had Zim with us and it was a nice day, we decided we wanted to go somewhere that had outdoor seating that would let us keep Zim with us, so we went to Jupiter's. Zim was relatively well behaved, although we had been sitting quite a while before he settled---he wanted to explore the who place since it was new---and he did find something to bark at very briefly (not sure what). Still, he was good and he even met some new people, which is always something I love to see happen when we take him out. Socialization doesn't end past puppyhood and we still try and take Zim everywhere we can. This was only the second time we took him with us somewhere to eat, though, and with the nice weather I think we should make more of a habit of it. Being able to go out and bring the little dog is an awesome thing.
Finally, we went out and got some ice cream at Jarling's. Because somehow my friend still had room for ice cream and the have entirely outdoor seating that allows dogs. While we were waiting there, Zim saw one of his daycare buddies, a yellow lab named Luke.
After that, we went home and Zim collapsed into sleep shortly thereafter. Fathead probably took him for one last walk before bed after I fell asleep myself, but other than that, he's been asleep ever since---somewhere around 12 or 13 hours. Puppy is pooped.